Privacy policy

Privacy policy
1. Information To THE USER

Who is the manager of the treatment of your personal data?
REAL-ESTATE consultancy SOLPISOS SL is the MANAGER of the treatment of the personal data of the USER and informs him that these data will be treated of compliance with the had in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of 27 April (GDPR),and the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December (LOPDGDD).

For what treat your personal data?
To maintain a commercial relation with the user. The planned operations to make the treatment are:
  • Reference of advertising commercial communications by email, fax, SMS, MMS, social nets or any another half electronic or physicist, present or future, that make to make commercial communications. These communications will be made by the MANAGER and will be related with his products and services, or of his collaborators or providers, with which this have achieved some agreement of promotion. In this case, the third never will have access to the personal data.
  • Make studios of market and statistical analyses.
  • Transact commissions, applications, give response to the surgeries or any type of request that was made by the USER through any one of the forms of contact that put to his disposal in the web page of the RESPONSIBLE.
  • Remit the on-line informative bulletin, on novelties, offers and promotions in our activity.

Why motive can treat your personal data?

Because the treatment is legitimated by the article 6 of the GDPR of the following form:
  • With the consent of the USER: reference of commercial communications and of the informative bulletin.
  • By legitimate interest of the RESPONSIBLE: make studios of market, statistical analyses, etc. and transact commissions, applications, etc. on request of the USER.
During how long we will save your personal data?
They will conserve during no more time of the necessary to maintain the end of the treatment or exist legal prescriptions that dictaminen his custody and when it no longer was necessary for this, will suppress with measures of suitable security to guarantee the anonimización of the data or the total destruction of the same.

To who facilitate your personal data?

It is not foreseen any communication of personal data to third save, if it was necessary for the development and execution of the purposes of the treatment, to our providers of services related with communications, with which the MANAGER has subscribed the agreements of confidentiality and of attendant of treatment demanded by the valid rule of privacy.

Which are your rights?
The rights that assist to the USER are:
  • Right to remove the consent anytime.
  • Right of access, rectification, portability and suppression of his data, and of limitation or opposition to his treatment.
  • Right to present a claim in front of the authority of control ( if it considers that the treatment does not adjust to the valid rule.
Data of contact to exert his rights:
REAL-ESTATE consultancy SOLPISOS SL. Av. Montserrat, 78 - Local SOLPISOS -, - 08820 THE PRAT OF LLOBREGAT (Barcelona). Email:

The USERS, by means of the marcación of the corresponding boxes and the entrance of data in the fields, marked with an asterisk (*) in the form of contact or presented in forms of download, accept on purpose and of free and unambiguous form, that his data are necessary to attend his request, by the prestador, being voluntary the inclusion of data in the remaining fields. The USER guarantees that the personal data facilitated to the RESPONSIBLE are truthful and does responsible to communicate any modification of the same.
The MANAGER informs that all the data requested through the website are compulsory, since they are necessary for the provision of an optimum service to the USER. In case that they do not facilitate all the data, does not guarantee that the information and services facilitated are entirely adjusted to his needs.

3. Measures OF SECURITY

That of compliance with the had in the valid rules in personal data protection, the MANAGER is fulfilling with all the disposals of the normative GDPR and LOPDGDD for the treatment of the personal data of his responsibility, and manifestly with the principles described in the article 5 of the GDPR, by which are treated of lawful way, loyal and transparent in relation with the interested and suitable, pertinent and limited to the necessary in relation with the ends for which are treaties.
The MANAGER guarantees that it has implemented technical and organisational politics appropriate to apply the measures of security that establish the GDPR and the LOPDGDD with the end to protect the rights and liberties of the USERS and has communicated them the suitable information so that they can exert them.

For more information on the guarantees of privacy, can direct you to the RESPONSIBLE through REAL-ESTATE CONSULTANCY SOLPISOS SL. Av. Montserrat, 78 - Local SOLPISOS -, - 08820 THE PRAT OF LLOBREGAT (Barcelona). Email: - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat
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